What to do with the lukewarm?

What to do with the lukewarm ?

For traditional practising Catholics, the question of what to do with the lukewarm, is a difficult one. Our brothers and sisters have been led astray by heretics and apostasy from within the church. Many have had a lifetime of misinformation and lies directed towards them. We all feel sad, we all pray for their souls as they have been led into sin. However, the lukewarm must take some responsibility for being so easily led. Letting their weakness lead them into sin. No one can be blamed for being tempted or even for failing, however, with faith and hard work this can be corrected. At some point some congregants must have thought, why is being a Catholic just like being a protestant. Why when the church taught one thing for so long, do they now accept the complete opposite. Especially when you know that our faith is set in stone. Did they ever wonder why their faith was being watered down? Did they forget that as the church militant it is their duty to stay vigilant and true. 

Mainstream culture has heavily corrupted our society and our church. That alone would weaken our church. Even if the hierarchy was faithful. Again, this is something that every Catholic has had to endure, and it continues to cause great pain to the faithful. This of course is something that we can sympathise with the lukewarm on. As this has been and still is a major factor of stress and tension for all faithful.

The majority of the lukewarm are allowing and even encouraging the destruction of the faith. Poll after poll conducted shows their lack of belief in the core fundamentals of the faith. Which shows that they appear to have become heretical.  It could be said that they no longer actually believe in the supernatural or historic parts of the faith. If this is true, then they become more of a club which have just become used to going out on Sunday mornings. I really think they should consider if they belong to the one true faith, as their presence is harmful, with their current views and actions (supporting corruption and scandals).

We need to hold to the standards of the faith and demand the truth. For example, abortion is murder, which is the truth. The homosexual lifestyle, the trans condition is not compatible with the faith. Though both must be tolerated and respected, however, they are not allowed to be practising in the church. Women cannot be deacons or priests this is simply impossible it is not compatible with the teaching of the catechism or scripture. The Holy Eucharist is the actual body of Christ it is a mystery it is not symbolism. Heaven and hell, the devil, demons and angels exist in reality and these are Catholic teachings and are impossible to separate if you are a Catholic you must have these views if you don’t then the catechism would say you are not a Catholic, why pretend to be one. There are a lot of faiths and churches that will accommodate any belief and where you can get a sense of community. If you want to belong to the one true church without destroying it, you must follow its teachings as those who love it do. Just because you are selfish and stubborn, you are happy to ruin the only church that faithful Catholics have, while you have hundreds of options to choose from. I ask if you do not believe in the core fundamentals then why continue to say you are a Catholic. I ask you please find your faith again; I want all my Catholic brothers and sisters be true Catholics. If you do not, cannot or will not stay with the values of the church, you must ask the question, why do I call myself a Catholic. The lukewarm are protestant in reality. So, what is the difference between Protestant and Catholic and would it genuinely make a difference to you if you do not actually believe in the fundamental tenets of the church anyway? 

This may sound a little harsh however it is the complete truth and I say it with love. As the church needs to stay true to itself, as it is the only way to salvation.        

It is easy for other Christian sects to change, to 'modernise’, as their faith is simply made to make their lives easier and I question whether they really believe in Jesus or the bible. Many of these religion’s came to be because people found being a Catholic too hard and too difficult, they did not want to feel tested or guilty and did not want to try all their lives to be morally good. When it was not fun or convenient.

The Catholic church and of course the faith are the most tolerant religion that has ever been. In the catechism it teaches you that you must be tolerant of all races, genders, ages, cultures and sexual orientations and always to have charity and kindness in your heart for people who are different from you.

The people who are not Catholics and choose to sin in their lives, we must be tolerant of, however, we cannot accept sin for ourselves. Those who profess to be Catholic, must hold themselves to account for their behaviour and if we transgress, we risk being expelled from the church for refusing not to deliberately sin. We must never move away from our teachings. We do not need and cannot move away from our teachings without becoming heretics and destroying Jesus’ church. We can modernise in many ways but there is no need to modernise teachings.

I ask you what we need to modernise in ways of our teachings. Our teachings and understanding of Science, moral’s, ethics, history is without fault.