The Tyranny of Silence, why is the Vatican silent on the Genocide of Catholics, Muslims and minorities in China?

The Tyranny of Silence, why is the Vatican silent on the Genocide of Catholics, Muslims and minorities in China?

Pope Francis once stated while defending himself with silence, at least partially validated the criticism of Archbishop Vigano that the reason he was silent and did not respond was that it was better to be silent:

“With people who don’t have good will, who seek only scandal, who want only division, who seek only destruction — including within the family: silence, prayer.”

He added that “the truth is humble, the truth is silent” and concluded with the prayer, “May the Lord give us the grace to discern when we should speak and when we should stay silent.”

Well, the Holy Father was silent with the Dubia, the four Cardinals who asked for clarification on the issue for communion for the divorced, he was silent on the McCarrick scandal (He later stripped him of his clerical state with no trial), on the corruption of Peters Pence, funding the Clinton campaign in 2016 and most recently he and the Vatican remain silent on the abuses of the Catholic faithful in China.

Even when Cardinal Zen begged for a meeting with the Pope so he could update the Holy Father on the plight of Catholics in China, Silence, what causes this?

The Chinese Communist party rule China with an iron fist, they murder and brutalise all those they deem as subversive, Muslim Uyghurs are put into camps, abused, worked to death, sterilised or even use as unwilling organ donors in that grisly trade.

The Tibetans have suffered for years, as have the Falung Gong practitioners, Christians of all sects and of Course Catholics.

The Vatican have signed a secret deal which in essence it has been speculated, bans them from speaking out against the Chinese government (bar some passing reference), this deal also means the Communists anti church or Peoples church is now the official church, these men are little more than spy’s and communist agitators and are now the official face of the church in China.

The Pope speaks out against racial injustices in the US, against how the illegal immigrants are treated in that country too, but not when tens of thousands of people are sent to re-education camps!

Jimmy Lai a well known Freedom advocate in Hong Kong, a British Citizen and practising Roman Catholic has been in effect abducted and not heard from for weeks.

Still silence from the Vatican, even EWTN’s Raymond Arroyo pointed to the obvious and what many senior China experts are saying, and I beg you to just google this for a few minutes.

In theory it could be concluded that China has bribed the Vatican with Billions of Dollars to basically hand over the church in that country and also act as cheer leader or at least a silent partner in the west.

A deal that we know since Laicised Sexual predator McCarrick helped negotiate for the Vatican with the communist party of China.

The blood of Chinese Catholics is on the hands of the hierarchy they have betrayed their brothers and sisters in Christ, they have betrayed Christ himself and sold themselves for their 30 pieces of Silver.

The images of Hong Kong citizens being loaded onto buses and shipped off to camps is so reminiscent of Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia, alas there is no Pope Pius XII or St John Paul II to decry it.

Let us pray for our family in China, may our Lady of Fatima Intercede for them as she warned us that Russia would spread its errors and it did to China for one.