The power of Convents and Monasteries.

The power of Convents and Monasteries.

Every day from morning to night, Sisters/Nuns and Monks pray for our souls. Others within the Catholic church also offer prayers; however, the Sisters/Nuns and Monks are unique, they offer not just to individuals or families, but for all around them. Sometimes for the whole world, other times for a country or county, province or state, they pray selflessly for all our souls.  They enhance their own lives by giving so much of it to God, sometimes years, decades or even their whole life. Their prayers are like bright burning lights in the darkness, meant to guide our souls, not just to Heaven but to good and right decisions in our lives, not only in the easy times but also in the tough times, not just the big choices we face but the small ones as well.

You must have noticed the calmness, the peace, the love, the hope, and the power that emanates from places like convents and monasteries. If you need to find strength to battle the modern world, it is here you will find a pool of unending power. Strength to say no to sin, energy to make another good works in this world, to help stave off the sick and heretical world we live in. The faith to shield yourself and your family from the horrors of the never ending assault we endure. Retreats and visits to these holy places are a great way of reminding you, what is actually important in life.


Catholics must realise how important these places are, they are a bulwark against evil, a pillar in our Church and Faith. Without them our Souls will come under next to unbearable attack, in this cold and harsh world, there is no mercy. Only our Faith in the one True Church of Christ will protect us from the enemy of salvation and its allies. Please visit these places, not just the famous and picturesque ones, but the unheard of and pedestrian ones too. The unsung heroes of our Church could use our help, direct donations can really help them. But also thanking them, will mean a great deal, knowing that we the faithful do understand and appreciate their hard work and devotion and know how blessed we are to have them helping us.

If all the prayers were not enough, which they are, they also can spend much time helping us and other poor sinners of the world, in a more physical way. They care for the sick and ill, the old and disabled, the weak of faith and the unbelievers, of the world, the unfortunate and the overwhelmed. Their dedication to the faith is truly too beautiful to bear sometimes, how pure, how perfect it is and how rare it has become in this world we live in. They truly are our light in the darkness.

Please say a pray, decade, Our Father or Hail Mary for them at least, they are true defenders of the Faith.

‘O God please continue to give strength to your devoted servants, that shield us and guide us to your path, help them continue to battle the enemies of Salvation, keep them safe, give them strength, give them Grace, give them Virtue, I pray their light never falters.’
