Hold My Beer An Apocalypse book review

Hold My Beer An Apocalypse book review

Hold My Beer An Apocalypse is a small novel or novella by Fr. Mark Goring, CC. Published in the summer of 2021. It has 84 pages and is available on amazon in paperback only, for £6.50. The book has many good reviews for an overwhelmingly positive consensus that it is a very good read.

I agree with the reviews, it is well written, well-paced and an entertaining read, while being thought provoking. I only wish that it was a bit longer and that we would have had more of the story.  Hopefully the Father writes a sequel even if it is only in the same ‘universe’ that this story is in.

I do recommend this book, it is safe for all ages and sensibilities. It won’t take long to read, and I think like I did, you will read it in one sitting.