Film Review 2 Popes


The Two Popes.

The film was made by Netflix and started streaming on December 20, 2019. It also had a limited theatrical release in the US and UK. The Director was Fernando Meirelles and written by Anthony McCarten. With Jonathan Pryce playing Cardinal Bergoglio and Anthony Hopkins playing Pope Benedict XVI. The film has mostly received positive reviews by critics and the general public. I have to say as a work of art it is a well-made film, well shot and well-paced. The music goes well and helps strengthen the film. The acting too is very good, not just by the main two characters but also by the secondary characters and extras. It is well written as a story and does keep your interest.

However, it takes massive liberties with the historical facts of the church, like the church’s history and its scandals. It also plays fast and loose with the backgrounds of the two main characters Cardinal Bergoglio and Pope Benedict XVI. With an obvious push to make Cardinal Bergoglio look overly Saintly. It pushes very Liberal and heterodox views as reasonable. It does ruin the film. Sadly, many uneducated people who watch this film will take it as fact instead of a piece of fiction. The most dangerous parts being, the tossed in, mistaken historical facts and misinterpretations of church dogma. The story itself is about a frictional series of meetings between the two men. In which they discuss the issues of the church their opinions and Cardinal Bergoglio’s past. It is worth watching if only to know what lies and misinformation they are trying to push on the unsuspecting general public. However, it’s not the worst piece of propaganda made.   


The Capitulation to the Pentecostals / Back Door Apologetic

I have spent many years defending the faith from protestants of many ilk’s, I have done so with Love and compassion, with gentleness in some cases and forthrightness in others, but after the Amazonian synod I know so much of my work has been undone, in fact forget my meagre efforts this synod and blatant idol worship has undone the work of countless missionaries, priests, monks and apologists of the Catholic Church. As Bishop Emeritus Muller pointed out, all of this will lead to scandal and to further embolden the enemies of the church, especially in South America where the many protestant sects, not least among them Pentecostalism, a most vile heresy, that shows blasphemy to the Holy Spirit. The countless conversations I’ve had explaining honouring Mary is not worship, that art, icons and statues aren’t idol worship that the catholic church does not permit idolatry recounting the heroic deeds of St. Boniface & St. Willibrord telling them of the positions the church takes against the act of idolatry, explaining Holy images, recounting the old testament seems to have been smashed by the idols of the inner circle of the Vatican. 

Our enemies will use this as an axe to attack us, they convert people who will abandon the faith and so souls will be lost. How hard it is to defend the church when the Pope endorses idolatry. I want to defend the Pope, the Church all Bishops if I can, but not against Gods Truth. We are losing people to atheism and protestant sects because we not being Catholic if we simply acted Catholic, preached the gospel, spread the faith full of vigour, not diluted even one ounce of the catechism, we would be gaining converts, not losing them. Yet the modernists insist if we water it down some more people will come, what people would come, because those people are not followers of Christ! Because at this point the faith has been watered down in the mainline church so much, I don’t even recognise the Catholic faith in the new faith that is forming. Please read Bishop Emeritus Muller’s statement or check out Return to Tradition, who does an excellent job of reviewing his statements, also please see the book review which further proves that Vatican 2 hasn’t worked won’t work and can’t work. I recognise the council of course I will say before enemies of tradition i.e. traitors to Christ will say, I am not blind, I recognise that the bull in the china shop is inside but am I supposed to agree its destruction is a good thing, can I say that the bull is not a good addition to the shops profitability, to the decor of the shop! There comes a point when being subtle doesn’t work on this issue of idolatry, there cannot be debate it’s the first commandment. There are still people saying there was no idol worship, at the same time the video is everywhere even at the amazon synod a press spokesman said here was no idol worship at the same time as the video was playing in the background, they said it, no Pachamama moments later Pope Francis apologised for the disrespect at the Pachamama statue being thrown in the Tiber. The watered down liberal worldly faith being pushed by the German Bishops and in general in the main part of the church is not working, it is not the faith our fathers and definitely not the faith of the apostles given to them by Christ, Ignatius of Antioch. wouldn’t recognise this flabby soft faith. Neither is the revolutionary Marxism dressed up as Catholicism that is liberation theology it is not Catholicism IT isn’t even a form of Christianity, but a form of Marxism dressed up with Christian trappings, it’s as close to true Catholicism as Santa Mortua is it’s also just as satanic in reality. Wake up brothers and sisters this is evil those who deny the truth are not of God by their fruits we shall know them.


Imperialism and the myth of the noble savage.

A strange pattern has occurred since the lead up to and the finish of the Amazonian Synod in Rome this year. Accusations of racism, imperialism and even white supremacy by liberal catholic media and even Clergy including Bishops of the church. This truly is an indicator of the person throwing these bizarre, groundless and quite laughable insults about, it’s an indicator that they themselves are either completely ignorant of the church’s teaching, history and tradition or they are themselves racist or just completely dishonest. 

To start with it shows a lack of knowledge of the teachings of the church, the main Cardinal for the amazon region Cardinal Krautler claims to have never baptised anyone and will never baptise anyone, which is a direct disobedience of Jesus Christ himself who said "Therefore, go and forth teach ALL nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" (Mt 28:19). It denies the wishes of Our Lady in America who appeared to Juan Diego as our Lady of Guadalupe beginning the conversion of Mexico and the Americas! It also denies the history of the many great Missionary saints who set forth to convert the world including many of whom were martyred for their pains, including, I might add Apostles like St. Thomas the Apostle who was slain in India. It denies our missionary tradition, of great men like St. Boniface and St. Patrick who converted completely heathen lands with Love and directness! 

I believe this ignorance comes from a neo liberal sense of real imperialism, they do not think the Amazon is capable of being Catholic, that they need to be pandered to because they are below the task, despite the fact that we are called to baptise and spread the gospel by Jesus’ great commission to all peoples. They are also showing their own ignorance of the Amazon itself, 85% of people in the region live in urban areas, they are not living in trees and running around with blowdarts, as the liberals in the church would paint them. The whole thing stinks of moral relativism it stinks of neo Marxism, the idea that the Amazonian people should be left to walk on the path to hell because they couldn’t possibly lose their cultural traditions becomes all the more amusing when these same people claim that traditionalists in the church are stuck in the past.

All of this has had to disturbing side effect in that Pentecostal churches have taken over 80% of the amazon as they have no qualms about converting people! This fact in itself clearly shows that it’s not a resistance to Christ but an abandoning of Christ by the heavily liberation theology influenced Catholic in name only missionaries of the region. I will say to them that they don’t know the faith, the faith of Christ can conquer all, it can change all, because God is all. When the first Catholic missionaries arrived in Frankia, Germany, England, Ireland and Scandanavia the Latin Roman Rite would have seemed far more foreign to them than the modern Roman Rite does to the people of the amazon, what they would have seen in their eyes is mystical, oriental, strange practices of the mass, the incense, the Latin prayers the singing, the chant would have been so foreign to them so exotic, but they did convert, they embraced it because it was beautiful, because it was from God because it was Truth. Now those same peoples, the German Bishops who have in the main part abandoned the faith in reality say the Amazonians are too primitive to be saved, it’s disgusting, all people of the world can be saved we don’t water down the faith we give it them it full of its richness, we tell them the truth of Jesus Christ and they will embrace it and rejoice. The accusation this is European faith that we are trying to force upon non Europeans is laughable! It shows they know nothing of the faith or Europe, the faith shaped Europe Christianity made European culture the church moulded Europe to the point where those ignorant of both can’t tell them apart and so attack European culture not knowing that they are attacking Catholicism. The German bishops conference is showing its totally repugnant Racist and supremacist face, they are wise they enlightened and all of us who just want to practice real Catholicism are ignorant. It harks back to the example of a major synod when they started to lecture the African bishops who hold fast to the Catholic faith about being stuck in the past and quite rightly the African Bishops said to them, mind your own house is emptying than on being burgled and on fire! 

In short keep your "noble savage" myths to yourself, we love our Amazon brothers and sisters we will see them baptised see them confirmed and united to us as equals in the loving embrace of Mother Church where they can be saved brought to Jesus Christ finding everlasting salvation.

God Love you


A response to Fr Terrance SSPX Dangerous house?

I feel obliged to respond in full form to Fr Terrance’s sermon entitled SSPX Dangerous House of Prayer, I would rather not do so but since the F.F.I have been taken over by modernist elements within the church a tiny proportion of the members wanted a commissioner, but the opportunity was seized upon to take down what had been an order that was growing and becoming very popular, it was this success that caught the attention of the churches enemies. If you wish to know more, please simply google F.F.I commission or look at our previous article responding to Fr Andre.

I am not a congregant of the SSPX neither do I intend to be, however they are for the most part good and faithful Catholics, they are also the main reason we still have a recognisable church, I believe they were used as a divine instrument of God to stop the worst excess of the post Vatican 2 era. Without the SSPX we wouldn’t have the FSSP or any of the other groups within the church that say the Latin mass and it was their presence that kept Satan’s advances at bay within the church. Archbishop Lefebvre suffered greatly I will say also he didn’t want to do what he felt he had to, but looking at the faith and the state of the church he took the action he felt necessary to protect the church, he used a line of Canon law to create Bishops which was contested by the Vatican, but I think anyone with half a brain or any sense of effective insight can see, it was the right thing to do at the time, he has since gone to meet our Lord and God who is his judge as he is all of us. I think before I go any further that I should say I can see the negatives within the SSPX they have developed a siege mentality but with all due respect they have been fighting for long time and until recently the only bastion of Traditional Catholicism in the church.

People wrongly characterise the pontificates of JP2 and Benedict 16 especially Benedict 16 as an era when traditionalism had a say, this is completely false, they were both Conservative moderates at best, more so Benedict but none the less neither where anything but sympathetic to traditionalism. To the matter at hand there is some seriously flawed logic being used here, I don’t know whether Fr Terrence really believes what he saying or not, I will give him the benefit of the doubt and say I do, I will ignore the fact that there is an SSPX house not far from where he is and that the F.F.I are probably haemorrhaging members to them as the Pacha idol scandal gets worse and assume it a genuine theological issue he has with the SSPX. Regardless of this F.F.I were at one point a growing group which has now lost its way. The implication that the SSPX is demonic is quite funny and very demonic in itself, because it mixes lies with truth which as we know is the devil’s weapon. Of course, division is a tool of Satan so why do a homily on an order which has nothing to do with you, why impart motives onto a group which is given almost full facilities by the Vatican. Well he and Fr Roderick who responds in their comments section say it is to bring reconciliation. That’s farcical. You cannot at once claim that the mass is illicit and possibly demonic and allow that the Vatican lets its flock go and receive communion, confession, marriage etc., total nonsense. In what world would a sane Pope give facilities to an organisation that commits mortal sin daily? This sounds like a strawman of the highest order. HE claims that it’s a mortal sin that the priest is committing each time he performs the mass. Well, that sounds a little Donatist don’t you think, my gosh St Augustine would give you a telling off for that position Fr. I as almost all Traditional Catholics recognise the Novus Ordo as fully valid and fully licit, unworthy it most certainly is, the mass developed in the US is actually the product or at least has had the touch by actual Satanists in the form of Cardinal Bernardin. Yet, we are not donatists an unworthy priest does not make his communion invalid so Fr even if your accusations were legitimate which they are not what to tell? Bishop Schneider in his excellent new book Christus Vincit speaks of his visitor as an official Vatican observer witnessing nothing of the nature you speculate on and SSPX has not been plagued by financial corruption and Child sex allegations like the mainline church has either. I think at the beginning of the comments section we witness some clericalism, right there he says comments are welcome, but this won’t become a platform for SSPX apologists, what a ridiculous statement, so he is saying, I accept peoples opinion only if they align with mine. The comments section is a festival of the ignorance, people who have read just enough to be dangerous without have any breadth of knowledge on the church, it’s quite fascinating to see so many modernists flock to this organisation as they now know it has been taken over further vindicating those of who say that the FFI have been infiltrated by modernists. In another fascinating interchange on the comments section Fr Roderick was asked how is fair criticism of the Pope divisionalist. The response is the Holy father is on earth to be unify all Christians, so to criticise him is to criticise the church. What a disingenuous thing to say, it shows one again a very clericalist, even Pope centrist view of the church. How many times does it need to be said that the Pope and the Bishops are servants here to serve; Christ himself said I have come to serve not be served. How many times through history has it been, just, to question the hierarchy and even the Pope, this is the Church of Christ our Lord and King this is the church founded by St. Peter St Paul would start his epistle, Paul Servant of Christ, not Paul servant of Peter, Bishops and priests need to remember this. I will say that there are still many good Brothers within the order and that some of their sermons are excellent, just as I am sure there even a few good Jesuits left, however there has been an uptake in attacks on the traditional Catholics from this order, that said, it’s to be expected as our Holy Father does this regularly. It is okay, we knew this would happen our lord warned us of this that we would be persecuted for his sake, just look to where the world loves look, to where the hundred plus alleged sex offenders are and where the message is the same as the enemies of God in the UN, EU and NGOS pushing abortion etc. How many great saints had to go against the grain St Athanasius was hunted, avoided assassination, many of his followers died protecting the faith and they were against the entire authority of a heretical controlee church in the Arian Crisis of the 4th century. This was re-enacted during the era of the Avignon papacy during the era of the renaissance yet we are not to ask questions! This is a very new attitude I think you will find that crept in during the mid-18th century.


Response to Fr Andre

A recent video appeared on the YouTube Channel of the once great Franciscan friars of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

This organisation was forcibly subverted for attachment to the traditional Latin Mass, orthodox theology and practices.

The story of the brother is long and sad, so I simply recommend you check out One Peter Fives channel here for the full sad tale by Steve Skojec:

Suffice to say the Snakes are amongst the brothers now, this Fr Andre and I pray for his soul, is clearly delusional, simple or a straight servant of the evil one.

Sounds harsh but in order to misconstrue scripture to this level, takes the intervention of the dark one for sure.

He first of all misinterprets basic scripture by placing the traditionalist along with the Pharisees, which is bizarre, as the liberals are in charge, they have the Papacy, control of the Vatican and all its arms, the NGOS, World Government, Media, Society at large. Which would make the traditionalists the persecuted minority not the liberal masters.

He quotes the Lord “the Pharisees used hypocrisy cloaked in legality”, well every time I see an argument online or foreword by some Cardinal spouting heresy, the heretics defending their heresy, hiding behind canon law and their misinterpretation of papal infallibility, when scripture and tradition are used to show how incorrect they are, again legality is used by them, they try to trump the bible, the holy inspired Word of God with canon law! Which comes below scripture and tradition by a country mile.

He quotes “they changed the truth of God into a lie under the disguise of the law”, well what is changing the word of God and the church’s teaching which are eternal into the worlds law” teachings which are of the now, dust and ashes, all the while saying that we need to change Gods words to fit the world's sensibilities, to abide by UN laws, by EU laws, by global human rights legislation?

He used the verse “you are filled with extortion and wickedness” he was talking to Pharisees, I would argue yes, that would be the liberals in charge in the church, corrupt living in palaces like McCarrick and co. The traditionalist lives on the edge of the church, only allowed our masses if we are quiet. Allowed to exist by the Bishops because we tithe so much more than our Novus Order brothers and sisters we give not take (as the recent pew polls show!)

He goes on to say from Mathew their virtues are all show, so as the poll above shows the traditionalists, believe more in God, in the Lamb in the Eucharist, they attend mass more regularly, they have larger families because they don’t use contraception and they let the will of god be done.  So, who is the hypocrite here?

He mentioned robbing the widow, well that would be the Bishops of America, how often they go after the older generation for the latest fundraising project.

He says the Pharisees are the nit pickers, I must admit I laughed, nit pickers! Consider all the issues we have now, the massive sexual abuse, the exodus of the flock, the empty seminary (traditional ones are full) the massive debt, constant attacks upon the teachings of the church, yes to this lost priest that’s nit picking!

He says the YouTube narrators are dividing the church, well they represent many Catholics they represent faithful Catholics who just want to love God, worship and make their best attempt at getting to heaven.

Fr Andre says instead of Marianising the narrators who camouflage themselves in orthodoxy are dividing people further! Well scripture tells us we will be divided, one will enter heaven the other will burn in hell.  I have never met or known of a traditional catholic who doesn’t pray the rosary. I know barely any that don’t wear the brown scapular, which is actually consecrated to our lady, the level of Marian love in the traditionalist side of the church if anything is a beacon. Fr Andre mentioned following the apparitions. Well maybe he should check out Fr Isaac Mary Relyea at the Fatima centre ask if him if he loves Mary. I do, I love our Lady more than I can describe and every person I know within the church does too, I think 90% have been on pilgrimage to at least one of the major sites, Fatima, Lourdes etc.

He says Our lady is the answer, damn right she is, it was my prayers to her that helped to convert my family, it was Her intercession that led them to Christs Church!

The rest of the video is fairly okay, but it’s funny how he has sandwiched a lie between scripture and the truth about Mary our Lady.

To me this is such a classic example of the snakes within the church using truth and inverting it to make lies and we all know who loves to do that.

The facts, the evidence is against you and your lies Fr Andre, I will pray for you, that the truth will set you free, the truth, the way the light is Christ he is King and yes our Lady Mother,  Queen of Heaven will help you home if you come to her with a sincere heart.

What a state wherein a Franciscan brother is so lost.

St John Henry Newman pray for us, St Boniface Pray for us, Mother of God help us.

God Love you


Arians Ghost Still haunting the Church

Well, I just left Rome and I can’t catch my breath, fortunately for the faithful there are a host of quality media outlets and journalists in Rome, covering what seems to be a bigger and bigger threat to the sanctity of the church.

However, we are getting live updates of the various goings on, it seems plain to me, having spent several days in amongst the ruckus, as Michael Matt of the Remnant pointed out very succinctly the Vatican press representatives can’t seem to figure that they have been rumbled and no one is buying what they are selling, at least within the Catholic Media, active members of the laity (with a few sad exceptions).

Every little drop of heresy seems to be picked up by someone, it gladdens my heart to think that the guys from Lifesite, CM, the Remnant and the rest are all around the Vatican picking up every whiff of heresy that is rising to the surface.

I really do feel like we have front row seats to the height of the Arian Crisis in the 4th century, unfortunately for the Arians we now have social media, so every ridiculous thing that comes from there mouths is caught in the open and laid bare to the falsity, the filthy lie that it is.

While they can say that the ceremony that took place in the garden was some indigenous version of worship for our Lord and Our lady, anyone with half a brain cell can see it for the blatant idolatry that it is.

Before we might have heard about the canoe and pagan articles strewn around a church within Vatican City itself, many regular Catholics would have said, ignore the trad alarmists, well now they can see it and anyone with a semblance of love and fear for the Lord our God can see that the 1st commandment is being broken. The heart if its not been corrupted to the very core can feel it through natural law, let alone supernatural faith that it’s wrong.

Now days before this issue with journalist Eugenio Scalfari came out, members of the panel from the Voice of the family where saying this crisis is very similar to the Arian Crisis, that like St Athanasius we need to fight this.

I’ve been harking on about the parables for months now and here we are.

Of course, the Vatican has now issued a denial, but frankly it doesn’t matter, Holy Father if you don’t want to sow confusion STOP giving interviews to the enemies of God. Stop giving interviews to a man who hates the church, hates civilisation, hates your flock, stop meeting up with Communists, he’s allegedly misquoted the Pope before, Scalfari is legendary for not taking proper notes and writing for a Hard Left newspaper so why during all the current confusion that exists already, is the Holy Father still engaging with this man.

My thought is only that this is classic cover tactics to allow insidious ideas into the Catholic flocks consensus as it makes a denial or partial denial of a undeniable truth late much easier, I am saying on record expect more, I can see a denial of our Ladies Virginity not just her just her perpetual virginity but her virginity when she bore Jesus Christ and I think this is coming soon. They will use this to wedge in the idea that virginity is worthless and that will help them in there sick twisted minds push the idea of married priests and female priests further.

When this happens and they will double down on the denial of Christ’s divinity, which ever comes first, that must be, the laity must go to their Bishops and demand action, if you Deny Christ or his Mother you are working for the devil pure and simple.

I highly recommend a series called the History of Christendom by Warren H. Carroll the first book in the series called the Founding of Christendom will give you fresh insights into what is happening right now in the church.

Pray for us St Athanasius, pray for us St Boniface, Christ have mercy on us.


God love you



Day 5 of our time in Rome

Coming to the end of our time in Rome, we can be certain that there is a living, breathing heart in the resistance to modernism in Rome, however it must be said it as an international movement with representatives from all around the world, I didn’t expect anything else.

When the doubts start to creep in always remember that Christ is King and that miracles do happen, this is our greatest strength over the enemies of God who reside within the walls of the Vatican, they don’t believe, and we do.

Also take hope as there are still many holy men in the Eternal City, within and outside the clergy.

We spent our last morning at the Vatican, speaking with various people who I won’t name for there anonymity.

After this we visited several beautiful churches within Rome including St Louis the French and St Andrews Cathedral.


We will sign off now, I will be doing a full analysis of the last few days and a travel guide to Rome and Vatican City in the coming days, If the current Synod could stop spitting out new atrocities for us to keep up that would be most appreciated.

Pray the rosary for the Sacred Heart of Jesus.


God Love you


Day 4 of our time in Rome

In the morning we visited the Basilica Papale San Paolo (St Pauls outside the walls) having been here many times, I’m still always blown away by the scale of the place.


This Basilica was founded by the Emperor Constantine I and consecrated all the way back in 324 by Pope Sylvester.

It was eventually enlarged by several popes over hundreds of years, it even witnessed severe damage by Saracens in the 9th century who had been ravishing the Italian coast for some time.


It was damaged again in 1823 by a carless worker who started a fire, thankfully it wasn’t an earlier incarnation of what happened to the great cathedral of Notre Dame.

Of course, we stopped in the centre of the cathedral were St Pauls relics are held, we prayed for his intercession, he would have chastised many of the current crop of Cardinals with a ferocity they are surely in need of.

While passing the small chapels we noticed in the chapel of St Benedict a service in Chinese was taking place, made me think of what I had been discussing that day with friends in regards to the atrocious betrayal  of the Chinese church by the Vatican, in a deal which has signed the death warrant of the Roman church in China, a deal the disgraced McCarrick is rumoured to have played a large role in.

I would ask that everyone remembers our brothers and sisters in China, who right now keeping to the faith face persecution on a scale that wouldn’t be unfamiliar to the Christians of Rome in the early days of the church. The deal with the Vatican has allowed for the banning of children in church, the removal of all imagery of Christ as well as surveillance of all services which will lead to the imprisonment and death of countless Christians.

We had coffee with some friends also here for various conferences surrounding the Synod and then lunch with another group, it is very heartening to see the dedication that so many Catholic laity have. As one lady said to me, “this will most likely be the generation of the laity” not a generation pridefully taking over from the clergy as the modernists would encourage, of self-aggrandisement but of sacrifice by the laity in support of the few brave clergy willing to do Gods will, we will have to defend the church as so many great members of the laity have done before. Look to the example of St Thomas More who went to his death with such honour and love of Christ he inspired thousands more to resist.


We finished the evening with a Rosary in the church of our lady of victory fitting as it was her feast day. The amount of beautiful churches in Rome never ceases to amaze me. How the faithful could loose there way I don’t know, all I can think is that the noise, confusion and dumbing down of the education system must have seeped its way in here in Italy I wouldn’t say to the same degree as the UK as Italians have the Catholic culture alive to greater degree. None the less even though we Catholics are a small group we must not loose hope, the Catholics of the early church started out small they resisted the empire and eventually the change it, eventually taking over, I would say humanely we are past the point of no return, but with God all is possible, with prayers, a love of Christ burning in our heart and the Holy Ghost anything is possible.

Have hope we know from holy scripture that nothing will assail the church.

St Peter & St Paul Pray for us

God Love you


Day 3 of our time in Rome

We started our Sunday in Rome with prayer, we spent some time at the Vatican, watching the comings and goings, as to be expected there was a considerable amount of clergy in attendance, having been to Vatican city dozens of times, its fairly rare to see so many Bishops.

I spent the rest of the morning visiting two of my favourite churches in the old part of the city.

I started off in Chiesa Di San Marcello Al Corso (The church of Saint Pope Marcellus I) this beautiful church dates back to the 1500s, it for me represents the classic Roman style of its era.

Although having attended mass long ago here and really not being impressed with the liturgy, it’s still a wonderful place to pray, it features shrines to our lady of Knots, St Michael the Archangel and St Joseph, St Padre Pio among others all very important intercessors for us faithful laity in this time, as well as this the church is dedicated to a true man of God Saint Marcellus I, this Pope was banished by Emperor Maxentius the emperor who Constantine the great would defeat and usher in the start of the conversion of the empire to Christianity. He was exiled because of the penances he imposed on those that lapsed to pagan worship under last great persecution.

How different are the times now, we live in an age where you are persecuted, shunned by the church as unclean people if you don’t get involved with pagan idolatry.

I found these prayer cards within the church after praying for his intercession for the church in front of his relics which are under the alter you can see below.


I also found these prayers cards which people might like to use in there prayers.

pray card 2.jpg
pray card 3.jpg
pray card 4.jpg

The next church I visited was Santa Maria in Via, this church has truly ornate imagery, at Christmas they also do the most wonderful nativity here. But the main purpose of the visit was to visit our Lady’s shrine dedicated the healing graces that comes from the well.

The History is that on the night of the 26th of September 1256, the water in the well of the stable belonging to Cardinal Pietro Capocci suddenly came up to the brim and overflowed. Floating on the top was a piece of stone with an image of the Virgin Mary painted on it. The Cardinal rescued it and the water receded to its usual level. A canonical process gave approval to the miracle and Pope Alexander IV had it placed for the veneration of the faithful in a chapel built over the well where it had been found. Since then, our Lady of the Well has been obtaining graces and cures for those who even today drink the water from it with devotion or take it to the sick.

The church is normally a wonderful place to pray, so I started my Rosary, it was about the 3rd mystery when I heard the sermon of the priest, it was in Spanish and it went on in a very informal manner with a lot hysterics, then I heard it, the guitar strings, the silly songs, I tried to go on, but knew it would be a losing battle somehow its hard to imagine the presentation in the temple with guitar music and bad evangelical worship songs in the background! I asked someone what was going on as I never seen this kind of service here, I was informed they were the Ecuadorian contingent I shall say no more!

As a friend to me on my retelling of this incident, “nothing says continuity like guitar music in a 12th century church”.

This Church is beautiful and would still recommend a visit, you can also get a pretty bottle of the water from the well just by asking the polite steward behind the alter for one, so you can take it home to sick relatives etc.

Of course it was Sunday so we attended evening mass at the SS. Trinita Dei Pellegrini, I was surprised by how well attended it was with 90 to 100 people present, it was a very nice place to receive the bread of life, the church is truly stunning, although quite hidden away in the back streets.


I won’t go into too much detail about the synod today, its Sunday and I will simply say pray, do acts of penance tomorrow, St Michael pray for us, St Joseph pray for us, St Marcellus pray for us, Our lady of knots please untie this web of knots are church has found its self in.


God love you


Day 2 of our time in Rome

I started the day by attending 8am mass in the shrine of Saint Pius V at Saint Mary Major’s very fitting considering that this Monday we will celebrate our Lady of Victory’s feast day, The battle of Lepanto was a great victory for Christendom and saved Europe as well as the faith from destruction at the hands of the Ottomans, the mass was very peaceful, the priest celebrated with an intensity of reverence that truly brought my mind into focus, the surroundings simply elevated the soul allowing for a real moment of purity of thought in prayer.


I had the honour of having breakfast with one of the panellists from the previous days table top discussion which was very enlightening, as well as a lovely couple who detailed there struggles back in there native country with the whole sale destruction of the faith by the secular authorities and media.

Walking around the Vatican there was the usual large contingent of tourists plus a lot of guests from around the world attending the creation of 13 new Princes of the church, I won’t go into details about them suffice to say there are some very interesting characters amongst this group. I pray that the holy ghost enters their hearts and brings them to be truly united with Christ.

What was very pleasing to see was the large group of Italian Catholics who attended a rosary rally, with prayers and prostrations in defiance against the obvious heresy occurring in the Vatican. Hundreds turned out as you can see below.


It was a very well organised event with stewards handing out prayer sheets in Italian. This shows the hierarchy within the city walls that they are not going to be able to deface Mother church without resistance.

Speaking with several of the attendees there was a definite feeling of readiness to give oneself over to prayer and penance for the salvation of souls.


What was strange was the weather turned as soon as the consistory of Cardinals started, a sign of the Lords discontent?


We then attended a conference on the proper reception of the Holy Eucharist, for a Friday night it was very pleasing to see a near full hall of Italian Catholics there for the sole purpose to promote the proper reception of our Lord.

There were talks in Italian, English and Polish, with Cardinal Ranjith, as well as video messages from Cardinal Burke and Monsignor Athanasius Schneider.

After the conference I had further discussions with several attendees from Ireland and the devasting stories of the countries wholesale abandonment of a beautiful catholic culture, that I knew was happening as its obvious by the countries turning to the hard left politically, none the less the nation of St Patrick and St Columbanus, the nation was the most converting with no bloodshed, that’s monasteries produced such great scholars, kept the works of antiquity alive and help reconvert England after the ravages of Roman withdrawal is now infested with snakes.

All in all, the mood in Rome is one of resolute defiance not of the Holy see not of the Church but of the corruption of our Faith, of those who abandon the moral teaching of the Gospel, of the magisterium of the faith.

We as the church militant must stand firm, hold the line, pray, protest if necessary, carry our cross and sing the Salve Regina!

The level of activity here in Rome is inspiring, we must not let the momentum stop, we must tell our Bishops that they must listen to concerns of the people living the Catholic faith.

Pope Francis talks of accompaniment, of mercy of compassion but he ignore the Dubia cardinals, left it so long 2 have sadly past but are at least in Heaven now, he instead decided to meet a man who ruins souls with confusion in the form of Fr James Martin SJ.

He ridicules Faithful Catholics, mocks young priests even makes judgments on people by the way they dress or attend mass, it’s a shame.

We traditional Catholics love the Holy Father, I do, I pray for him every day on my Rosary as do many of contemporaries, we must continue to do so.

St Boniface pray for us, St Patrick Pray us, St Columbanus pray for us, Our Lady of the Rosary Pray for us., Lord have Mercy on us.


God Love you

From the eternal City


Day 1 of our time in Rome

Attended the Tabletop discussion brought to us by Voice of the Family and Lifesite. It was a real success with a live audience at near capacity and over 5000 viewers livestreaming.

It was in this observer’s opinion the biggest gathering of Traditional Catholic influencers in recent times.

The discussion was informative, inspiring and very well received by all those in attendance

However, we started the day of in a more pilgrim like fashion, we visited several of the major Basilicas here in Rome. We decided to start with the Basilica Papale Di Santa Maria Maggiore (Mary Major) as Our Lady is so key to the success of all we endeavour. It’s a truly a magnificent Church as you can see blow.

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From here we ventured on to Basilica Di San Giovanni in Laterno (St John Lateran) which of course is the original Papal Church where Popes have celebrated mass for centuries. Truly awe-inspiring inside, with Side chapels that would put to shame most Cathedrals in England. There was a Novus Order mass being celebrated in German which was interesting to witness that only one very brave soul knelt and gave reverence, a lack of reverence is a significant factor as to why we find ourselves in the chaotic mess we are entangled in now.

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We finished the morning off with a trip to Basilica di San Croce (Basilica of the holy cross of Jerusalem) this church has always held a special place in my heart as I visited here at the beginning of reversion to the faith. It inside features many scenes from the life of St Helena (Constantine the greats mother) who brought the True Cross to Rome.

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As we approached the steps leading to the shrine where the true Cross is held along with several other relics including  thorns from the crown of Jesus our Lord as well as Nail from his cross, I witnessed a very moving scene a young nun in full wimple was praying the Stations of the cross as she ascended towards the shrine room, the deference and focus on her face was truly beautiful and knowing that young people out there still make the worldly sacrifice to join themselves to our saviour is a very heart-warming thing indeed.

The conference itself was also a very heart-warming success, to see so many people on fire with faith and love for Christ our king. Words where not minced at all, gloves definitely seem to be off, to be frank its necessary, we are too late in the game to be worrying about minor civilities when truth and reason have been abandoned by so many within the church.

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Michael Voris of Church militant started his opening statement with a call for the Pope to resign due to his total failure as Holy Father.

Dr Taylor Marshall quite rightly pointed out that we are in very similar time to that of St Athanasius a time when the Orthodox are on the outside and the those who preach heresy have all the positions of power and influence. We must remember St Athanasius a truly heroic and holy man who had to hide in the desert while those in power corrupted the faithful flock.

Michael Matt from the Remnant made a call for the intercession of St Boniface something I have been calling for also, as the Saint of the Germans and a great fighter of heresies he and St Athanasius are the perfect intercessor with our Lady to fight Satan as Pope Paul VI himself not blameless said had entered the Vatican long ago.

I think the panellist who summed up what we need most was Jeanne Smits who pointed out we have all we need in female participation and that “ the Amazon synod will be arguing about the role of woman in the church, when the church already has the most beautiful answer to that argument The Virgin Mary” She is our Queen, Queen of the universe and Queen of the Angels”.

This conference was very encouraging for the shear vigour, unity and determination shown by the panellists.

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We have a great opportunity here to unite the faithful under one banner we are called to take up our cross, so lets do so, Pray the rosary, pray the Stations of the cross, fast, do acts of penance, remember it was our Lord Jesus Christ who said, this kind will only be driven out by prayer and fasting.

A full review of the conference will follow. Tomorrow we will cover activities around the Vatican and keep you updated.


God Love you


Signing in – Rome October 3rd 2019

The team arrived in Rome today, the city is abuzz as usual, as much as I love this city, the city that the first pope St Peter died in, the city that the great apostle Paul gave his life to evangelise, the city that through Constantine the Great the conversion of the world started. It was with sadness and in trepidation that I arrived today.

There is an unusual amount of clergy present as one could expect from the week prior to a major synod. Speaking to several local insiders even the local population are aware something is afoot.

From tomorrow we will be bringing you updates, news and coverage of the Amazon Synod and the desperate resistance from true Catholics that will determine the church’s immediate future.

Remember that Christ change the world, that the Lord God is all and the holy Ghost walks amongst us pray for the graces that is required to stop the Devil in his tracks, pray that this Synod does not usher in a wave of heresy.

We will be bringing you reports and updates from the Our Church Reformed or Deformed panel tomorrow, as well the protest outside the Vatican on Saturday and a very special conference emphasising the worthy reception of the Eucharist Saturday.

Pray for the Church, God Love you


The new pharisees and their law

Brothers and sisters, we have come to a strange path in a time with no religion where anyone of faith whether they be protestant, Jewish but especially Catholic, is derided and ridiculed. 

A very strange thing has occurred, I say strange, but to those of us who have read history and taken the time to watch the events in the post sexual revolution era, a very predictable thing has happened.  A new law has risen, almost an ape or inversion of the mosaic law has arisen. It comes resplendent with its own temple, high priests and even its own dietary requirements. Somehow in a completely secular and godless world the pharisees have returned and unfortunately for all concerned it is the worst generation of all Pharisees the mirror images of the vipers that our Lord Jesus Christ challenged, outwitted and dealt with during his blessed time on this earth.  Now some of you have already figured out who I am talking about, for those of you who haven’t, it is of course the environmentalists. So in this short treatise, I shall do my modest best to unpack this little Pharisaic religion that has arisen.  The new temple is of course environmentalism, mother earth or climate alarmism. Whatever it named it’s the same thing.  Veganism is of course the new kosher and the high priests are the various environmentalist leaders who are not to be outdone by the regular priests who we have amongst us. They even have their own version of the Sadducees in the form of extinction rebellion.  It is a most disturbing thing to see, but it emanates through every part of our society now, mother earth is worshipped as a deity and the coming apocalypse is climate change, there is so much pseudo-science that it is almost mythology. The stringent rules in regard to environmentalism have become the new law and the pharisees are very intolerant.  Everything on tv whether it be entertainment, comedy, sports, cooking, everything is about this. I was watching a cooking programme on Saturday morning and during the questions to one of the chefs during a phone in, a young child called to ask how to do we reduce plastic use in cooking. So here we have our first generation of completely ideologically indoctrinated followers. 

Watching the children at a congressional hearing spout lunacy, making insane statements that have clearly been imprinted on their young minds, sounded Orwellian, it would have been funny if it wasn’t so scary, I could almost hear the chants of 1984 ‘war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength’.

When engaging with people on this issue they seem to glaze over and just start shouting random phrases almost like there is no one home anymore. The Science says, it’s getting hotter, Apocalypse, when you challenge them they become irate and don’t even quote the science they claim to know about, if I WAS having a theological/philosophical argument I might quote the bible, the catechism, some prominent theologian, maybe even history and dare I say Science, they just scream the same point like a cultist that needs his leader to come and save them from this awkward interaction with reality. (Please see our latest church hall chat for this, a disturbing interview with the UK Green party co leader and a Julia Hartley-Brewer.)

Every programme I seem to watch on tv, when I get a chance to watch tv, something always loops back to the coming climate extinction. Veganism is everywhere, this small group of people have so much sway that it appears on every dietary requirement on every menu anywhere that there is food served that must be made for this new class of religious follower, They are extremely intolerant and they will see you stoned if you step out of line. Whilst at work for example I could not reach the bins, so I tossed a plastic case into the nearest bin and an indigent young twenty-year-old woman looked at me eyes wide with genuine rage and indication proclaiming the recycling bin is on the other side.  It would be funny if this lunacy wasn’t being driven by the upper echelons of society.

Some will say Environmentalism, veganism, eco extremism, communism are all different. Well I’m sorry but ten minutes of research will show you that there is now significant overlap, the modern virus of identity politics is the latest sickening creation of secularism. We witness these days several storm fronts combining and what will be created is a storm for the faithful that will be destructive and test many of us.

Governments, United Nations, even the Vatican have bought into this idea of ecological destruction, climate change and anyone that disagrees, or evens raises questions is shown a level of hostility that would put anyone else back in line who is thinking of asking questions. Dissenters to the creed of this new cult are shouted down as heretics. The cult’s elite priestly caste (so ubiquitous at the reins of all our institutions) enforces a new Magisterium of so-called Experts, which it reverently calls “Science”. No matter how many times hysterical climate predictions turn out wrong, now matter how often ‘green’ advocacy descends into hypocritical virtue-signalling by the elites and aspiring elites, this pseudo-Magisterium is still proclaimed infallible and irreformable. It isn’t to be questioned if you want to remain a ‘decent’ person in our society. Or, increasingly, in todays ‘relevant’ and ‘updated’ Catholic Church. The Goddess of Green Globalism is a jealous god and she will not have non before her.

These my friends, these are the times when paganism has re-emerged our and society is clearly being driven towards an animist pagan society and the one organisation that should be holding out, that should be the dam against all this, is the catholic church. Instead the Marxists that have infiltrated the church and who now control much of its upper command structure have fully embraced this earth worship which would be so distasteful to our Lord God and who in his first commandment states, (Ex 20 )‘I am the Lord your God, you shall not have strange Gods before me”. Yet many at the Vatican and especially those amongst the Jesuits and the liberation theologists are hell bent on recreating golden calves and worshipping at the feet of trees.  This will not end well brothers and sisters, there is a chastisement coming as we know the great profit Moses held back the lords anger as did our great father Abraham and of course our saviour Jesus Christ but the Lord values justice as well as mercy and the current pontiff and sycophants around him seem to have forgotten this or simply don’t believe enough to have the fear that they should have before God.

 I am not against environmentalism in its purest sense we should tend the garden well. I am not against the moderation of meat eating, I abstain from meat on a regular basis due to fasting, but honestly look around and tell me that the environmentalists, the vegans, the earth worshippers are not engaged in pagan idolatry and in cult like behaviour.  Be wary of this and be on guard because we are only one step away from having a society that will return to full pagan worship. Most dreadful of all the Church is at risk of falling into this snare, a snare which is blindingly obvious to boot. We are on the cusp of the Amazon Synod in Rome, looking at the working document we are in big trouble, the recent comments by the Pope on his impromptu airplane presser is that he doesn’t fear schism. Well as better men than me have said “I DO” we live in an age of social breakdown, an exodus of faith and a rise in paganism to say nothing of actual Satanism.

When looking at the obvious pantheism of the Synod I can hear in my ears ringing (John 14:6) “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”. No, you cannot go to God through tree spirits, through pagan spiritualism and the only mother you should concern yourself with is not mother earth but the Mother of God our Lady Queen of Heaven.

When is enough, enough how obviously heretical how obvious do Priests and bishops need to be in their outright heresy, their disbelief before the laity, say no more? We must reject the Pharisees as our Lord Jesus Christ did! Obsession is never a good thing, the people who join these Environmental cults are not Christian, yet many senior Prelates, laity and Catholics ally themselves with them.


Pray the rosary, pray the sacred heart, pray the stations.


God Love you


A Catholic Journey Part Three

The Mass

It’s important to go to Church regularly and I think within the Catholic Church the Mass you choose to go to is equally important.

How I worship is important to me so I go to church every Sunday and also on Holy Days.  I go to a Rosary meeting once a month where we pray the Rosary together.  It is at the home of one of the congregation and after we have prayed the Rosary we have a drink and talk.  It’s a great way of getting to know other congregants. Though most of them are ‘cradle’ Catholics so know everything I’m still learning, because they’ve grown up with it. I’m continually impressed with their knowledge of the prayers.  I’m still struggling with the Apostles Creed.  Granted I have never been good at learning things off by heart, but I will get there. I can now pray the Rosary without prompts.

I have chosen to go to the Latin Mass.  This is because I feel it is the true Mass, sung and spoken in Latin as it has been for over a thousand years.  The fact that it is an ancient service really does appeal to me.  Why change something which has held Catholics together for centuries.  As a non Catholic I had always assumed that the Mass had changed to being in English to make it easier for people to understand. I thought it was a choice.  You chose one or the other but that they were the same service, just one was in Latin and one was in English.  Goodness but was I wrong.

I have been to both Novus Order and Latin Mass and for me it has to be the Latin Mass because as a Church of England friend said, why become a Catholic our High Mass is identical to theirs and I had to admit that the Novus Order Mass and the Church of England High Mass are almost identical. The Latin Mass is not the same. It is reverential, it is beautiful and it feels like you are really worshipping God. You also have to work at it because it is in Latin so you have Latin on the left and English on the right of your missal, it takes concentration. 

The Novus Order Mass does not feel reverential, they even have that awful hand shaking, When I went back to church after nearly 50 years away from it, I was shocked. It felt like the congregation were being involved in some sort of Baptist or American style evangelical mass and to be honest if I had wanted to worship God in this way I would have gone to the Baptist church.  It feels rude to God, like the congregation are almost more important than God. They are communicating not worshipping.

The Latin Mass is so beautiful, I like the way the priest faces the alter. I like the way the Cantor sings and the way the congregation sing some of the service, I particularly like the way the congregation stay silent in parts.  It is so beautiful when it is a sung mass and the music and the words often stay in my head for hours sometimes a couple of days afterwards, I will find myself humming the beautiful verses, I might not be able to remember all the latin words but the music is there and it  always raises my spirits.

I’m learning a lot of things I never knew before and re learning some things I thought I knew but clearly didn’t.  It’s an interesting time.  I’m truly looking forward to my confirmation so that I can participate in the mass.  To really become a Catholic.


A Catholic Journey Part Two

The Beginning of the Road

Well I am on my journey to becoming a Catholic. It’s an interesting journey, I am just realising how little I know, how much I have to learn.  As a convert I am also very aware that I have a lot of misconceptions to deal with. 

Catholics don’t worship the Virgin Mary or any of the Saints, they revere them there is a huge difference. 

Women are not dismissed or put down. My favourite meme has a picture of the Virgin Mary beating the you know what out of a demon with an angel stood next to her holding the baby Jesus and the caption says, “here hold my baby”. It is brilliant and shows that in fact the Catholic church acknowledges the strength and dedication of women. There are in fact more women saints than men.

The history of the church and its links to Judaism are fascinating.  I have just finished reading The Crucified Rabbi by Dr. Taylor R Marshall.  A reasonably easy read but lots of interesting facts and history about the differences and similarities of Judaism and Catholicism.  It also explains a lot of language we use and where it comes from.  There are far more things we have taken or should I say kept that are in line with Judaism and the old testament.  It really shows the links and why we truly are a Judeo Christian group.

The first book I read on my journey though, was about Padre Pio, a modern saint.  This book made me realise just how difficult it is to be a Catholic priest, how important obedience is to the Catholic church and how no matter how devout you are, you are never actually good enough. His struggles were momentous and he was often caught in church politics even though he was totally non political and did not want promotion.

I’ve always felt that one of the critical points of Christianity was that you are continually striving to be a better Christian, a better human being.  I think this is particularly true about Catholics.  They stick to scripture so they have to be different from others because scripture has a lot of restrictions entailed within it.

My main reading was Apologetics and Catholic Doctrine, a very long read, 637 pages. Much of it quite dry, but it was worth it and I will re read it at some point because once I understand more I think I will get even more from it.

G.K. Chesterton has some interesting books (I don’t mean Father Brown although I have always loved the Father Brown series, he to me embodies everything a man of god should be, kind, tolerant, determined, faithful, supportive and with a great sense what is right and wrong, a sense of proportion, common sense and all rolled into a good sense of humour).  C. S. Lewis has some very readable books, quite illuminating although a little dated.

I’m doing a lot of reading as well as talking to some of my friends in the congregation to learn and understand as much as possible.  Not everyone agrees on everything, as in all things there are divergent opinions and different personalities. Not everything is black and white.  Some things are still open to interpretation. I try not to be too opinionated as I don’t necessarily know enough at this stage and certainly do not know all the ins and outs of the different opinions.  So I go on learning. But I am very good at asking questions. Right or wrong I am one of those people who always has an opinion, I do like a good debate.  I have found that on the whole the Catholic faithful are interested in talking about God and their beliefs with tolerance and good humour and are always happy to help the new convert to understand when something gets confusing.

I’m hoping that I will soon be confirmed into the Catholic Church.  I know though that is just the start and I have to keep on learning and working at being a better Christian and understanding my chosen faith.

So far my only real concern is the same one I had with the Church of England, the reason I fell away from the church in the first place. There are as with all large organisations of people politics within the church.  Men in black dresses playing politics with God. I know they exist in all churches, in all walks of life but I still hate them, they still concern me. There will always be ambitious people. The difference now is that I’m old enough to want to be a part of the church regardless and to worship God regardless.

So at the moment I’m still learning the basics.  Still getting through my book list, which is growing.  There are so many interesting parts of the history of the Catholic Church and the Catholic faith I don’t think I’ll learn enough or stop learning.


A Catholic Journey Part One

The Conversion

I was christened Church of England, I went to Sunday School and apparently loved it.  However, I fell out with the church in my early teens to the extent that I stopped attending church completely. I still felt I was a Christian but could not align my beliefs with the church.

I have an odd religious background. My mother’s family were Methodists, my grandmother was the organist, my grandfather was the choir master and my great grandfather was the Methodist minister.  My dad and his father were both confirmed atheists.

Nevertheless, I have always considered myself to be a Christian.  I remember nearly driving a nurse to distraction because I wouldn’t allow her to put me down as C of E or Catholic or Methodist, I was a Christian without a church. An anomaly. They didn’t have a box for that.

A few years ago, I moved to be with my son. I needed help as I was getting older and had been doing a full time job and looking after my badly disabled husband for nearly 10 years. I was getting tired.

After a while the urge to go back to church raised its head again as it often had.  I had always had an excuse not to go back to church, but now there was an anglican church at the end of the street. No excuse.  So I bit the bullet and got up on a Sunday morning and went back.  I had gone several times to the local Catholic church with my eldest son who had converted to Catholicism some years ago. He often worked away from home and when he was home he would persuade me to attend his church with him.  At this point I still felt I was a protestant.

For a short while everything worked fine and then the temporary vicar retired and we were left with no one to administer the Sunday services.  A minister from a nearby local church came but it meant that the services were brought forward and I found it difficult to attend early because I needed to make sure that my husband and father were both up and had their breakfast before I left for church.  I started attending a church a couple of miles away, as by this time I didn’t want to leave the church, I felt better mentally and felt that what I was doing was right for me and I needed to belong to the church once again.

I had been going to the nearby church for a few weeks when I decided to speak to the minister about being confirmed as I was never confirmed when I was younger.  He was very happy for this to happen and a couple of months later came to me beaming and saying wonderful news the Bishop will be here in a couple of months and we can get you confirmed. 

Then it happened. 

The weirdest experience of my life.

It seemed to me that straight into my right ear, a voice, male and really quite loud said “oh no, not here, not him”. I don’t know if the minister saw anything in my face but I thanked him and got out of the church faster than a scalded cat.

I was very unnerved. I did not understand what had just happened and I did not go to church the following week.  My son had come home so I was to go with him to the Latin Mass and whilst talking to my son I decided to tell him what had happened.  He said “well mum it’s up to you but maybe it’s God’s way of telling you your choice of church is something you need to think about”.

Maybe he was right and I did need to think about what I wanted and where I wanted to be, maybe I was making my choice out of what was, not what should be.  After a lot of consideration I decided that maybe, just maybe, the Catholic church was the way to go. Even though I had always said I’d never become a catholic or that hell would freeze over before I became a catholic.  Well I guess hell just might have frozen over. I spoke to the Father at my son’s church and he said he was more than happy to welcome me fully into the Catholic church but I needed to know what I was letting myself in for first. So we had a long discussion and he gave me a bit of reading to do.  Well actually quite a big bit.

Apologetics and Catholic Doctrine is over 600 pages, it is a big book and it is really quite dry and complex in parts and yes I struggled with some of the theology, but mostly I was left going, yes well that’s what I already believe, I don’t see the problem.  It really didn’t challenge any of my beliefs and it did dispel a number of erroneous beliefs. Admittedly the bit on obedience was and is a work still in the making.  I do struggle with obedience generally, always did. I would never have survived in the armed forces because as my mother said “why should I” is not an acceptable response to an order. But in many ways, I read it and thought maybe I have been a closet catholic and just didn’t realise it.  My reading list however grows ever longer. Most of it is very fascinating.

The thing with Catholicism is that it’s hard work and in a world where sex and the idea in general rules, its unpopular.  You have to work at being a Catholic, I think, more than any other religion.  From the word go, you are not good enough, in fact, you never will be good enough, you will always be striving to be a better Christian. 

The Catholic church is the only Christian church that seems to be sticking to scripture even if it’s unpopular and not in line with the homogenous masses the world is trying to create.  I don’t have any problem with being different, I never have, I understand that I am going to have to work at being a good Catholic, not just pay lip service to it, but actually mean it. Be kind, tolerant (in the true sense of the word), modest, in fact all the things Christ was but we are not and that’s a long list.

For over 50 years I was just a Christian, to be a Catholic is a whole new ball game.



The day the Templars fell

Today I decided to commemorate the poor fellow-soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon or as most people refer to them the Knights Templar.

It is on this date they were rounded up by the forces of King Philip IV know as “the fair” in act of betrayal against Christendom that can only be compared to that of taking the silver, Judas Iscariot took from the chief priests.

King Philip in debt and known to be a man lacking in Christian virtue decided to take advantage of a weak pope in the form of Pope Clement V who at least had the goodness in him to see that the documentation that the accusation against the Temple were false. This document known as the Chinon Parchment dated 17-20 August 1308 wasn’t discovered until 2001 although there was a similar document that been around since the 1600s.

I fear with what’s going on in the church right now we must remember the fate that befall men that gave up everything picked up there cross and walked behind Jesus, they lived as monks, protected pilgrims, fed the poor and lived a level of prayer and monasticism that would make modern people shudder with ore!

We are being called to take up our cross and to live as close to God as we can, we will be accused by those enemies of the Lord with so many slanders such as being backward and old fashioned, rigid, pharisaic it’s all ash, the Lord warned in Mathew 10:22 and you will be hated by all for my sake. On a side note isn’t it strange the world a place we know is fallen loves the modernists in the church and hates the traditionalist that should immediately tell you something that you are on the right path!

The lord is both greatly merciful and fearsome, remember that often when offended he will take his vengeance on his enemies as the death of the heretic Arius. We can also listen to the last words of the last Grandmaster of the Temple while burning on the pyre falsely accused, but going to join the Lord in heaven that King Philip his descendants and Pope Clement V would not live to see the end of the year and Phillips bloodline would no longer rule France this came true. God I believe punished these men for the wickedness for taking away a sword that was a tool of Gods will, so fear not and do Gods work, pray the rosary, pray the stations of the cross, spread the Gospel and resist the enemies of the church peacefully as Christ would have. Have faith as the Templars of France did, they did not fight the inquisition or the king but surrendered and resisted in their prayers, allowing Gods vengeance to wreak havoc on those traitors to Christendom.

Pray for the souls of those brave men that died for no other crime, than loving God.


St Boniface: Please come and strike at this heathen tree!

As the Amazon synod in Rome fast approaches, more and more horrendous facts appear about what has been now clearly shown to be an heretical synod.

Its not lost on many of us that at the very centre of this catastrophe in the making we find the German Bishops Conference, Germany in the post conciliar era has become a hot bed for modernism and heresy of every kind.

This week Lifesite & Church Militant  reported the links with liberation theology the conference writers have, several well-known German bishops have not been shy about what is coming, Cardinal Reinhard Marx (yes I know when names are too fitting) and Cardinal Kasper letting us know quite clearly that this Synod could change everything. I must be honest the sheer scope of the malfeasance involved in this cataclysmic event is making even writing this article daunting.

So, lets dive right into the meat of the matter, first I will deal with the Liberation theologians, if you don’t know what that is, put simply it is Marxism masquerading in a sordid sacrilegious way as Christianity! It has been roundly condemned by the Vatican under John Paul II. It is what is responsible for leading tens of thousands of priests, nuns and laity into full schism, it led to the deaths of thousands, it is at the root of the troubles in Guatemala and throughout Latin America. One of its chief architects is an ex priest called Leonardo Boff a man who left the priesthood married a Marxist activist and who describes man as “a true Satan of the earth”.  We need to “recover the aspect of truth in paganism” in his book cry of the earth cry of the poor, along with various other clearly Pagan statements, I would highly recommend researching this man to get an idea of the horror that lies in wait. I recommend visiting Lifesite who have done an excellent expose on him. This man is someone who is on good terms with Pope Francis, who the Pope openly admits he reads his books and has even said “Pope Francis is a Liberation Theologian” in a statement by Boff, he is cited as the theologian of reference for the synods Instrumentum Laboris.

Now to the root of the problem if you will excuse the pun, elements within the German Bishops Conference have been desperate in recent years to destroy the church, they have pushed for communion for the divorced, female Deacons and even female Priests amongst many other German senior prelates pushing for every modernist idea out there.

It is at this time we need to pray and call for the intersession of St Boniface, Saint of the Germans a man who no doubt would put the current German Bishops back into line with a righteous anger they have never witnessed. Maybe it is some sick trick of the Devil that paganism would re-emerge in Germany a place where 1200 years before the tree of Thor had been cut down by St Boniface.

The amazon Synod is Pantheism, it is Paganism I say it bluntly worshiping the earth as a mother, worshiping the spirits of the amazon is devilry there’s no other way of looking at it. Noah was called to subdue the earth, we were called to plough and be the gardener, yes, but never to worship anything other than GOD ALMIGHTY, it’s the first Commandment repeated as such by our Lord Jesus Christ, we are only here to be worthy companions for God, he desires us to be happy, that is why he filled the Garden.

Do not succumb to the fruit of the tree of knowledge again, this time the tree is labelled environmentalism and tolerance of other cultures, it truly is neither it is the world repackaged and we know who rules the world currently.

I recount St Boniface and his dealings with the German tribes, they always inspire me. When he grew frustrated with the local tribes unwillingness to abandon their false Gods he was inspired by God to march to the Donar Oak or Thors Tree as it is sometimes referred to. He chopped at it and suddenly a great wind pushed it over, the local people had expected St Boniface to die by their pagan Gods hands. Instead they were converted to Christianity and St Boniface built a church out of the wood of the tree, dedicating it to Saint Peter.

Let’s do as St Boniface did and march forth in the eyes of God, axe in hand and chop down this tree before it becomes more than a sapling and this time let us cut the root out, so this evil may never grow again. We are called to defend the church.

There have been some prelates that have stood up for the faith namely Gerhead Brandmuller, Cardinal Muller, Cardinal Burke and Bishop Athanasius Schneider. I would encourage you to read their statements, the battle lines are being drawn, we are soon I fear at the point where people will have to say we are of God or we do not love him and we will instead embrace the world which of course is damnation.

Brothers, Sisters pray, contact your local Bishop by letter, by email or in person with politeness, respect but firmness, tell him what the Amazon synod is and what it wants to do, who it belongs to, the things that happen there could be the beginning of a full schism.

Be not afraid, St Boniface died slain by the Frisians (German Tribe) a people who he had attempted to convert many times, he died for God so be not afraid for all you do is in the eyes of God.


Saint of the Day

Saint of the Day

Blessed Claudio Granzotto

Born in Northern Italy in 1900. He was drafted into the army during the first world war serving three years in total. After the war he went on to study art and went to Venice’s Academy of Fine Arts. His art was his way of being closer to God as well as trying too spread the love of God. He also worked with the poor to ease they hardship something he could relate to as he grew up working the fields as a child. He entered the Order of Friars Minor in 1933. He sadly got a brain tumor and died in 1947. He was beatified in 1994.


Great Kings of Christendom: Saint Louis of France

Could Great leaders be great in this modern world.

Reflecting on the life of St Louis IX on his feast day which has just passed, I thought I would do some research on him, although I had a good grasp of the generalities of his life, I was curious to learn more and I have always found that when researching the Saints you often find something specific in their life that reflects and helps you in yours.

Scrolling through the pages of The Glory of Christendom by Warren Carroll it hit me straight in the face! This man was most certainly great and most certainly saintly but what would he make of France today!

I thought how could anyone achieve such great social heights in todays society. St Louis was to be frank truly zealous in the good connotations of the word! His people loved him for it. What would todays Frenchman make of him, in fact what would any people think of a ruler who truly believed in the Lord our God and his awesome power to the point of ordering society to do his will.

We have lost something, we are no longer peoples, just disparate groups of people who happen to live in the same city, country, continent etc. No wonder there is so much crime, so much strife and so little community. No one has a shared goal and no one would tolerate a holy leader, a leader full of love for the one true King Christ!

This if anything for me cements the need for a society based on truly shared values not the hollow non-descript sad and flabby values of modern society but truly shared values. We can see some shining examples of this in Europe today and they are just a shadow, a glimmer if you will of what was achieved by Louis, by Alfonso the Great, by Alfred of Wessex. I am of course talking of Hungary and Poland.

It is to easy to become pessimistic during these times of desolation, watching a world which rejects the precepts of Christ is hard, however on a visit to Hungary I was amazed to see a still flourishing Catholic society, busy churches at all hours, a very modestly dressed population that are now bucking the popular trend, thanks to the family friendly policies of Prime Minster Victor Orban. I do wonder if Mr Orban looks to the likes of St Stephen and St Louis at times of hardship for inspiration.

Getting back to Louis, I do believe very strongly that young people especially young men should be introduced to the great leaders of the Christian world, there is such a gap in role models with modern celebrities being weak, sinful and quite frankly often vile human beings with very shallow lives and a total lack of faith.

Louis to me, embodied so much of what I admire in the non-clerical saints. He was a member of the laity but lived a life so close to one who has taken holy orders, without losing his focus on the role he had to fulfil, I think that’s where so many of us in the laity go wrong, including myself. It’s such a balancing act to be good husbands, fathers, sons, to fulfil our work obligations to be a success in our careers whilst still keeping to a life dedicated to piety. I don’t know about the rest of you but I find myself hitting great heights (for me) where I will be praying rosaries, vespers, compline, reading whole chapters of the bible and then work or personal matters will crash me back to reality and then I will start to make excuses for myself. It’s at this point that I think of the likes of King Louis IX he had a kingdom to rule, a court full of intrigue to deal with, a crusade to run and he still managed it. It’s with this inspiration I try harder and it’s in this, I feel that reading about these great men helps. Hopefully it will help others out there, maybe having a moment of doubt to carry on, do what needs to be done to pick the rosary back up to open that Bible to finish that saintly book! 

God Love you and St Louis please intercede for us.