Saint of the Day

Saint of the Day

Saint Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus 

Saint Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus were two Jewish leaders at the time of Jesus. They were both secret followers of Jesus. After the crucifixion they bought linen to wrap his body in and took him for burial. Which at the time was a risky and brave thing to do.   


Saint of the Day

Saint of the Day

Saint Jeanne Jugan

Saint Jeanne Jugan was born in Brittany, France in 1792. When she was 16, she took a job as the maid of the Viscount’s de la Choue, she was a devout Catholic and Jugan went with her as she visited the sick and the poor. This began her work with the sick and poor. In 1839 she founded the Little Sisters of the Poor, who worked tirelessly to better the lives of the poor and the sick. She would dedicate her whole life to helping the needy. She passed in 1879.


Saint of the Day

Saint of the Day

The Martyrdom of John the Baptist

John the Baptist was martyred after being jailed by Herod Antipas for speaking out about his marriage to his brother’s wife. First jailed and then beheaded after Herodias and her daughter conspired to have John killed. The lord said of John “Among those born of women, no one has been greater than John the Baptist.”


Saint of the Day

Saint of the Day

Saint Augustine of Hippo

Saint Augustine of Hippo was born in roman north Africa in the 4th Century. His mother was Saint Monica. A nonbeliever for the early part of his life with his mothers help he converted to Christianity. He became a Priest in 391AD and a Bishop in 395AD. He was Christian theologian and philosopher and wrote many works his most notably being The City of God, De doctrina Christiana, and Confessions. Augustine was canonized and later recognized as a Doctor of the Church in 1298 by Pope Boniface VIII.


Saint of the Day

Saint of the Day

Saint Monica

Saint Monica born in the 4th Century in North Africa. Married to a roman pagan by her parents. Her home life was a hard one, her husband was a drunk and a cheat he also found her Christian pray annoying however he tolerated them. She worked hard and prayed for him everyday and one year before his death he was baptised. She had several children however one of them Augustine became a believer in Manichaeism, at first angry she soon had a vison and decided to reconcile with him. She spent many years praying for him and even followed him to Italy. He finally saw reason and was baptised in the faith. Her patience and discipline is inspirational as her soul is Saintly.  St Monica is an inspiration for those who have a relative who is away from the faith.


Saint of the Day

Saint of the Day

Saint Louis IX of France

Saint Louis IX of France was known to be a very devoted catholic and collected many holy relics, building the famous Sainte-Chapelle to keep them in. He was also known as a reformer and made many changes to the law in France. Including the creation of provosts and bailiffs, and the presumption of innocence in criminal procedure.

He took part in two Crusades, the seventh and the eighth.

He would die of dysentery at the age of 56. Pope Boniface VIII proclaimed the canonisation of Louis in 1297. He is the only French King to be Canonisation.


Saint of the Day

Saint of the Day

Saint Bartholomew

Saint Bartholomew also know as Nathanael was one of Jesus Apostles. Jesus once saying “Here is a true Israelite. There is no duplicity in him”

There to witness Jesus on the shoreline Sea of Tiberias. He preached the Gospel in India and Arabia. His Martyrdom took place in Armenia where he was skinned alive. 


Saint of the Day

Saint of the Day

Rose of Lima

Saint Rose was born in Peru in 1586. She was known for her beauty however only cared for the beauty of her soul. She worked tirelessly for her parents when they fell on hard times and always on time to bring food to the poor. In her later life she cared for the sick and homeless as well as orphans, dying young at 31. She became the first Patron Saint of the Americas. Being canonised in 1671.


Saint of the Day

Saint of the Day

The Mothership of Mary

The Virgin Mary the Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. Pope Pius XII established this feast day in 1954. However, her Queenship was established long ago, interlinked with Jesus kingship this feast day celebrates Our Lady’s crowning and was established by Pius XII along with the Assumption of Mary as a solidifying of long held Marian Dogmas.

She is the queen of heaven and her life is a pristine example to all who wish to live a life in service to God. Not enough can be said about her and her life.

We will be doing a Podcast about Mary in the future going into Greater depth about her amazing life.  


Saint of the Day

Saint of the Day

Saint Pope Pius X

St Pius X was born into a large poor family in Italy in 1835. Becoming a priest in a small mountain town he would go on to be Bishop of Mantua and then a Cardinal, becoming Pope in 1903.

As pope he ended the right of the Italian government to use a veto in Papal elections. He also rejected Frances attempt to gain control over the church’s property in France. He changed the age of Holy Communion to 7 years old.  St Puis X encouraged children to learn the meaning of the holy sacrament.

St Pius X famously defended the church against the growing heresy of Modernism. Enacting the Oath Against Modernism which all clergy were required to take. Along with this he released the encyclicals Pascendi Dominici Gregis and Lamentabili Sane Exitu which defined modernism.

He died in 1914 and was canonised in 1954.


Saint of the Day

Saint of the Day

Saint Bernard of Clairvaux

St Bernard of Clairvaux was born in Burgundy, France. A skilled student from a young age, he decided to become a monk early in life at age 20. He was able to convince many of his own family to join him. He was sent to found a new Monastery the Abbey of Clairvaux.

He became well known as a skilled arbitrator and his advice was widely sought. He successfully stopped a full schism. He was fundamental in the preaching of a second crusade.

He founded many churches in his lifetime, he would die in 1153.